From winter solstice (december 21-22) to summer solstice (june 20-22) the rising point of the Sun moves from southeast to northeast and the path of the Sun across the sky is getting longer and higher. The rising point of the Full Moon moves in the opposite direction from northeast to southeast and the path of the Full Moon across the night sky is getting shorter and lower. The days are getting longer and nights shorter.
From summer solstice to winter solstice the rising point of the Sun moves back from northeast to southeast and the path of the Sun across the sky is getting shorter and lower. The rising point of the Full Moon moves in the opposite direction from southeast to northeast and the path of the Full Moon across the night sky is getting longer and higher. The days are getting shorter and nights longer.
The Sun rises in the northeast and sets in the northwest making the longest and highest path across the sky in the year. In opposition to the sun the Full Moon rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest making the shortest and lowest path across the night sky in the year. The longest day and the shortest night occur during the summer solstice.
The Sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest making the shortest and lowest path across the sky in the year. In opposition to the sun the Full Moon rises in the northeast and sets in the northwest making the longest and highest path across the night sky in the year. The shortest day and the longest night occur during the winter solstice.
The Sun and the Full Moon rise in the east and set in the west. In the nighttime the Full Moon makes the same path across the sky as the Sun in the daytime. The length of day and night are equal during the spring equinox (march 20-21) and autumn equinox (september 22-23).
The rising point of the Full Moon is always directly opposite to the setting point of the Sun, and vice versa, the rising point of the Sun is always directly opposite to the setting point of the Full Moon. For example, when the Full Moon rises in the southeast then the Sun sets in the northwest, and vice versa, when the Sun rises in the southeast then the Full Moon sets in the northwest.
The position of the moon month in the wheel of the sun year and the color of the moon month indicate the time of the sun year - winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice and autumn equinox.
The flow of colors upward the rainbow from violet to red indicates the time from winter solstice to summer solstice. The flow of colors downward the rainbow from red to violet indicates the time from summer solstice to winter solstice.
There are 29 or 30 days in the moon month. Four main phases of the Moon (new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter) divide the moon month into four weeks of 7 or 8 days. Full Moon of each month is the holiday!
The flow of colors upward the rainbow from violet to red indicates the time from new moon to full moon or waxing moon. The flow of colors downward the rainbow from red to violet indicates the time from full moon to new moon or waning moon.
The 13th moon month is added every second or third year after the winter solstice to synchronize moon months with the time of the sun year. The new moon of the 13th moon month has to fall on the winter solstice. The 19-year period includes 7 years of 13 months and 12 years of 12 months.
In violet moon month the Full Moon enters the constellation Gemini. In green moon month of spring the Full Moon enters the constellation Virgo. In red moon month the Full Moon enters the constellation Capricorn. In green moon month of autumn the Full Moon enters the constellation Pisces.
keywords: sun and moon calendar, lunar and solar calendar, lunisolar calendar, calendar model
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